My Courses | Launch My Biz Now


Welcome to the Bizstarters Learning Center Dashboard

At the bottom of this page you will see the titles of all of the courses for which you are registered.

To enter any of the courses, run your computer mouse over the name of the course and double-click. You will automatically be taken to the course entry page.

Particularly with the Start Your Business NOW! E-Course you will want to enter, do some work, leave, and re-enter the course repeatedly over a multi-week timeframe.

To exit the course, look in the upper right corner of each course page. You will see a avatar icon in light gray. Mouse over it and the Log Out command will appear. Click on the command to exit the course.

To re-enter the course, click on the Log In command at the top the page, enter your email address and the password you previously set up. When you click you will be automatically taken to this Dashboard page where you can once again enter the course by clicking on its name.

Great success to you,

Jeff Williams

Course Creator and Chief Coach