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Online Business Planning Course

Business incubator buildings are designed to be specially nurturing places for new businesses to start and grow. The well-run ones give off the feeling of a “business family” for each tenant.

We have designed the Virtual Incubator coaching program to provide you with the same sense of nurturing and “family” support…from the comfort of your home or on the road!

In fact, you see this relationship depicted in the logo design just above this text. The red upper body shape is you, our valued client. The smaller golden circles represent your coach and our expert support staff.

How Your Coach Guides You

Your Virtual Incubator coach utilizes a series of planning tools to lead you from your business concept to a fully-functioning business enterprise.

These tools include:

– The Week-By-Week Planning Schedule.
– The Online Planning Course.
– Regular telecoaching sessions.
– Services from our expert startup team.

How to Enter the Online Planning Course

We have created an unique website entry sequence for you by combining your chosen email address and a password we have assigned.

Your Virtual Incubator coach will share the password with you during your first telecoaching call.

To enter the Online Planning Course, go to the Log In command at the top of this page. Click on the link. Enter the email address and password your VI coach shared with you.

You will see a page that shows your profile in our courseware system and the course that you are “registered” for…actually we told the courseware system that you were a participant in the Virtual Incubator program.

We strongly recommend that you read the Preparing to Plan module at the beginning of the course. It explains how the online courseware platform works to support your business planning work.

We look forward to helping you launch a wonderful new business.

Jeff Williams
Chief Coach
Virtual Incubator Business Startup Program